Pro Life Sign-up

Pro Life Sign-up

Pro-life sign-up

Our Lady of the Assumption is offering two options to support the pro-life movement. You can choose to participate in both or just one:

Option 1: 24 hour adoration

Our 24-hour adoration sign-up sheet has 3 time slots.

It would be ideal to have 3 people at each time slot, but first let’s fill up the time slots with one person so we have coverage for all 24 hours.

Please sign up here:

When: Thursday March 30th from 9AM to March 31st at 9AM.

Where: Assumption Adoration Chapel. Use the code on the side to enter.

Option 2: prayer vigil at St John Paul II

We will be doing a prayer vigil in front of the St. John Paul II Center in Vancouver which also has traffic for cars going to the Women’s Hospital where abortions are performed.

We will be holding signs (signs will be provided) and saying prayers for the unborn.

Please sign up here:

When: Thursday, March 30th from 9AM to 7PM

Where St. John Paul Center (4885 St John Paul II Way, Vancouver, BC V5Z 0G3)